Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Conventions of the genre Thriller

Thriller films are displayed with excitement and tension, with cliffhangers to keep the audience engaged. Thriller use pathetic fallacy within weather as it states the emotion of the character of in the scene. the dark atmospheres usually involved in thriller genres tend to lead onto a mystery.

Conventions of a Thriller are:
- Suspense is made
- Mystery is set
- Threatening scene
- Tension is created
- Conflict between characters is created

Setting- usually used with low lightening
- abandoned house
- victims bedroom
- graveyard/forrest

Typical Characters
- killers
- ghosts
- stalkers

Typical Themes
- death - murder
- abduction
- rape
- revenge
- haunting others

- blood
- weapons: knife, gun,
- glass e.g. broken glass
- masks
- cigarettes
- make up
- jewelry

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