Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Prelim Task

This was our final piece for our Prelim Task:

When we done our filming we had to make sure we had more shots then we needed so we could cut it and it would help us have more variety in out shots rather then having a few to pick from. To start our task we had to design a story board to show what shots we wanted and the order we wanted them to be in. From this we then went onto filming our task for this we had to keep the camera on the tripod this is to make sure that the shots looked professional and not amateur. Of which we started shooting our shots and making sure we had many shots to work with and we keep to our story board that we designed.
After filming we had to edit the shots to enable the task to be completed and to look much more professional to the audience watching. For this we used a number of shots for example we used over the shoulder shots (180) which was to vary shots for the scene.
The shots used we liked, we felt as a group we were organised with our shots that were going to be used however the talking between the two characters did not work as well as we had not organised the script well so editing this part of the scene was very hard.

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